Mike discusses the Right Foot Drop Back Drill. Does this drill make it harder to get your left hip out of the way and where it’s supposed to be?
It does slightly, and if you watch many Tour Players as they set up to the ball, they drop their right foot back. Why? It lets them get their right hip out of the way on the backswing. Dropping the right foot back gives them much more space to swing. This is about space and getting to the ball.
Dropping your right foot back helps your right hip learn how it feels to stay back rather than lunging forward with the swing. Your leg starts to feel what it feels like to move forward, making it easier to use your left leg and hip.
It’s more important to set up, drop your right foot back, create space, and swing down to hit the ball. Being able to hit the ball and get the ball in play is more important than worrying about your follow-through.
You don’t want your hip moving closer to the ball on the swing, which is the biggest problem players have. They try to move their left hip by pushing with their right hip.
Dropping your right foot back prevents this from happening. So, create space and get your left hip out of the way.