Brian Gott, Malaska Certified Coach, is subbing for Mike on this question. A Malaska Golf Member wants to know whether you can perform the Front Loader Drill before you make a shot on the course.
Brian demonstrates the Front Loader Drill, where you start the swing with the golf club extended out in front. Most other sports you play don’t start from a static position; everything has movement, and we react to it.
The Front Loader Drill helps you move back to the position in the backswing. You will likely lock up if you are too concerned about getting into the correct positions.
Before hitting a shot, you want to feel where you intend to swing. The Front Loader Drill is a great way to do this. Make that pre-swing and get a feel for it. Then, set up and reproduce that feeling when hitting the ball.
You will get a better result with your shot instead of getting locked up and worrying about what’s happening behind the ball.