When you are practicing working on curve control, start with a 7 iron. Using a pitching wedge or a sand wedge with more loft in the clubface doesn’t create a lot of curve. The 7 iron has the right amount of loft where you can start hitting curves to the left or the right. It doesn’t take much face angle to see the ball curving. The driver is the easiest club to see curve because it has the least amount of loft in the clubface. This will curve the ball to the side the most. Mike likes to take small swings with his driver and hit fades and draws. The driver can really empathize side spin or axis tilt. If you are working on trajectory control, Mike uses his wedge, as this is all about hitting the ball high. This is because there is not a lot of loft in the clubface. Again, work with a 7 iron to start to master curve control.
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