A Malaska Golf Member has a question about having a strong grip. The member feels that her left wrist cups even more on the backswing.
Mike notes that most people hold the club in the palm of their hand, which is one of the biggest mistakes in golf. This type of grip doesn’t allow the wrist to hinge correctly.
Mike suggests that you must practice the first move on the takeaway. You feel like you are pushing the handle down, and your right hand faces the ground behind you. If your right wrist rotates, then your left wrist cups. You can feel this move in either your left wrist or your right.
Most people can feel their right hand hinge back. It is the same as when you hit a forehand shot in tennis. The racket works back. You don’t spin the racket over.
Mike demonstrates the swing with a stronger grip. Your palms are facing down on the backswing; you swing to the top and then down and hit the ball. This makes it easier to catch the clubface up and is really stable at the top instead of being flippy and all over the place