
Hi, my name is Matt Baker, and I’m a Malaska Golf Certified Coach based here in the UK. This question comes from Derek Neve (apologies if I’ve mispronounced your name). It’s great to hear from you, Derek, as you’ve been a long-time member of the site, and Mike wanted to personally thank you for your continued membership.

We know you took a break to try different things, but you’ve come back and realized how great the system is, so Mike wanted to welcome you back.

You mentioned how much you're enjoying the M2 system, and that one drill has really helped you: the hinge drill. This is a fantastic drill because it helps you understand the correct wrist motion and the relationship between the shaft, the club, and your hands. It’s a fundamental drill that we encourage many golfers to practice because it benefits the overall swing.

The drill is simple. Take hold of the club and stand at address. From this position, you hinge your wrists upwards. When you do this, it sets your wrists at the right angle. A lot of players may notice a slight angle in the shaft as well—this is normal, given how you hold the club and how your wrists function. Some golfers try to keep it straight, but you should just allow it to hinge naturally.

Once the wrists are hinged and the shaft is parallel to the ground, all you need to focus on is completing the swing arc around your body. From there, you can hit the ball. Practicing this drill repeatedly will set you into a nice backswing position and help with your overall swing momentum.

This is an excellent all-around drill. I still practice it regularly, and I highly recommend others incorporate it into their routines. It's beneficial for setting up the swing and directing momentum.

Thank you for sharing your experience, Derek. I hope you continue to enjoy the M2 system, and I encourage you to check out M3 as well. It’s another great addition to your game.

Thanks again for your question, Derek, and I hope to catch up with you all soon.

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