
This Malaska Golf Ask Mike comes from several members, YouTube subscribers, and emails. They all want to know the proper hand action, release, and what your hands should do.

Mike explains that it is simple once you get the grip right. However, many don't move their hands correctly, which distorts the clubface.

Mike takes us through a few steps to give a visual and feel for what your hands must do. Mike uses the Malaska Cam to show what the hand action looks like from his eyes and relative to the target lines on the floor. Viewing from the player's perspective gives you a greater understanding.

Mike talks about how everyone was supposed to have a neutral grip, palms opposing. If you have that grip, there will be a lot of twisting of the hands in the swing. It makes it difficult to be consistent. Mike laments that he played this way most of his professional career and wishes he didn't.

Mike demonstrates how your hands should work. Your left hand is on an angle, and your right is more vertical. Mike shows us the hand action as he moves his arm and hand back. It doesn't twist.

Mike's right hand levers back like an underhand throwing action, while the left hand is like a chopping action. When you put the two hands together and swing your arms, that's your grip.

It is crucial to understand this concept. When Mike takes his grip and opens his hands, his palms are not opposing.

Mike also demonstrates how swinging with his left hand is like hitting a baseball bat, you lever and hit. Your right hand levers and throws. You put that together, and that is your hand action.

Mike walks us through the Malaska Cam so we can see hand action from his eyes.

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