
A Malaska Golf Member watched a video where Tiger Woods out-drove another golfer while hitting off his knees. The member wanted to know the value of this drill and what it does.

Mike says everyone should learn to hit a driver off their knees. It’s not hard on your back and teaches you several good things.

Mike gets on his knees the same way Tiger did, and what it teaches you is how to lever the club and create speed with your arms.

Mike demonstrates the Lever System. If you are tight when you swing, you won’t be able to hit the ball. Many Tour Players can hit the ball off their knees because the Lever System is the biggest speed producer.

Mike hits the ball about 200 yards off his knees with an easy swing. Another thing this drill does for you is help with the club path and angle of approach.

Most people who attempt this drill for the first time will hit the ground behind the ball. They are so used to throwing their body out and into it that the club drops behind their hands, and they can’t feel the arc and direct the momentum of the club right into the back of the ball.

If you swing over the top, you will stick the club in front of the ball. By making practice swings, you will start to learn the club path. Mike hits another ball off his knees, and he explains the club path.

This is the same club path and arc when you stand up and address the ball. It’s just on a different angle. Your hands work the same way.

Mike throws his hands around him with the club, and this is where you create speed. You aren’t playing with ‘quiet hands,’ as Mike demonstrates.

Your hand might feel quiet for other reasons, and Mike has done videos about this on the website.

The drill that Tiger did is monumental and good for everybody in golf.