A Malaska Golf Member wants to know how to incorporate the L to L Drill into his full swing. Mike demonstrates the L to L Drill and then applies that to his full swing. All Mike is doing is extending the backswing and the follow-through of the L to L Drill. He is just adding a little more turn. If you were to slow the swing down, the positions would be the same as the L to L. The club still hinges on the backswing and rehinges on the follow-through. Most people try to “chicken wing” their arms or do other things because they don’t let the weight of the club rehinge on the follow-through. Some Tour Players can extend the club more on the follow-through because they are so flexible. They can continue rotating their pelvis at a speed that keeps up with the clubhead. For most players, once their hips stop, the club rehinges. Again, work the L to L into your swing and recoil the club back to the L position after the swing. This will help you to reinforce what that feels like.
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