
How do you determine how much grip pressure you need on the hands and the club?

Once you put your right hand on the club, your right palm goes on the back of your left thumb. There is a pressure there, and you want that to remain constant throughout the swing. You don’t want to tighten your grip pressure because as soon as it does, your wrists freeze up. What is the correct amount of pressure?

If you take the club and hold it above your hands, there is virtually no tension or pressure in your hands. If you let the club drop to just below your hands, you will start to feel your grip pressure change. Your forearms will begin to tighten up.

Now, bring the club halfway back. Make some soft circles with the club where you feel the pressure on your left thumb. As you make these circles, you will notice that the feeling isn’t tight or restricting your wrists. However, if you increase the amount of grip pressure, you start to lose the feel you have for the weight of the clubhead. All you can feel is the pressure on your thumb, and your grip pressure will be too tight.

Once you identify the correct grip pressure, lower the club and set it up behind the ball. Make a swing and maintain that pressure throughout the swing. You must identify how much grip pressure you need and then maintain it.