Mike Malaska explains to a Malaska Golf member that it is not ok for his right hand to pull off the left thumb in his backswing. Mike says you must maintain that pressure which provides stability and puts pressure into the back of the shaft.
People struggle with this mainly because there is so much tension in their arms and shoulders that their right elbow and arms start to pull apart.
The tension causes them to pull the right hand off the left thumb. The right arm should be relaxed in the shoulder socket. As you go back, it rotates, folds up, and gets underneath, so the left thumb rests on the right hand. The right hand is constantly pushing against that thumb.
Again, the biggest reason it comes off is that there is so much tension that the arms start to pull apart, pulling off the hand as well. The pressure on the thumb should remain constant on the backswing and through the ball. It is a crucial pressure point to maintain.