A Malaska Golf member wants to know how to shape up his game. Mike suggests you begin by working on your grip; however, he wants to focus on the swing first. To begin, drop your right foot back and start making swings, doing the "L to L" drill. Make the "L" on your backswing and the "Reverse L" on the follow-through. Most people struggle because when they swing, their body takes off, and they can't get back square to impact. The lever system is a great drill to make this work and doesn't put your chest out in front of the club. Mike sets up, his right foot back, and makes the "L to L" swing as he hits the ball. This drill should be easy to do. It doesn't help to go any further if you struggle with this. This skill is crucial to help you to master the full swing. Practice the "L to "L" Drill on the range before you go out to play.