A Malaska Golf Member has a question about the Front Loader Drill. Mike demonstrates how to do it, starting by extending your hands with the club out in front of you and then swinging back to hit the ball. Mike explains that it is a simple drill and does a lot of good things.
The Member wants to know why her arms feel like they are floating all over the place on the backswing when she does the drill. Joe Nichols described the arms as pivoting on the backswing. Mike demonstrates the ‘pivot’ that Joe talked about. Once Mike has pivoted, the right arm moves away. Your right arm mustn't stay pinned against your body.
After you pivot your right arm, your elbow goes up, giving you room to come down. You will feel like your arms are moving away from your body.
Mike uses the concept of throwing a ball to the ground where his arm and hand would be on the backswing. He says you wouldn’t cup your wrist when you threw it. You wouldn’t have any leverage.
Again, the Front Loader Drill is good because when you pivot on the backswing, the momentum of the club takes your arms up, and then you swing down into the ball. It is key to feel the freedom in your right arm.