Brian Gott, Malaska Certified Coach, is subbing for Mike this week. Many Malaska Golf Members have had questions about the yips. In this video, Brian will explain what causes the yips and how to overcome them.
Brian stands over a ball with his putter, making a quick, jerky swing. He says that everyone was taught to make a short backswing and accelerate through the ball back in the day. This is not what you should do.
Brian explains that when the putter hits the ball, it has reached its maximum acceleration. The putter is no longer accelerating, but it isn’t decelerating either.
The best putters in the world, their putters are accelerating at .05 to 0 feet per second, which is minimal. Most amateurs, when putting, are accelerating at 5 feet per second. This is a huge difference.
If you want to learn how to control your speed, the backstroke length needs to get longer, and the forward stroke needs to get shorter. The best putters don’t let their putter go past impact.
Great speed control requires good tempo. It’s the same tempo with a longer backstroke and a shorter follow-through. You can count it out in your head, one, two, as you putt.
The key is to avoid accelerating through the ball, giving you better speed control. If you do this, you will get rid of the yips.