Hi, my name is Matt Baker, and I’m a Malaska Golf Certified Coach based here in the UK. Today, we have a great question from Mark Helm. Mark is having trouble relating drills to specific movements in his swing. He also mentioned that others have had similar struggles.
The key thing to remember about drills is that they are designed to create certain feelings, patterns, or skill paths, but they aren't always what you’ll be doing during a round. That’s why, for instance, when you see tour players making exaggerated practice swings, like big loopy motions, you don’t see them replicate those swings on the course.
There's an old saying: “Feel versus real.” Drills are about creating the right sensations. For example, the "L to L" drill isn't necessarily something you replicate fully in play, but it’s great for feeling the hinging of the wrists in the backswing, unhinging through the ball, and rehinging in the follow-through. It's about the wrists' release pattern.
Some golfers, including Mark, mention that forearm rotation feels extreme, but it’s a sensation they’re working on, not something they actively think about on the course. Drills are about building the correct feel.
It's important to practice these drills as they create the right sensations and help with the overall swing. For example, the "right foot back" drill helps with hip clearance, creating the right feel for staying out of the way during shots.
You don’t need to take drills literally. Even drills like hitting balls off your knees serve a purpose — to improve your golf. By practicing these drills regularly, you can blend the sensations into your full, athletic golf swing.
Remember, it’s feel versus real. Drills enhance the speed of your improvement by building functional movement patterns. Keep practicing, and you’ll see improvements over time!