
Malaska Golf Certified Coach Matt Baker, based in the United Kingdom, is answering a member's question this week. The member is concerned about casting on the downswing, which a friend has pointed out. This friend also noted that the member has a flippy release, or is releasing the club too early, resulting in hooking the ball to the left.

First, double-check your grip. Make sure that your left hand is placed correctly on the club. Matt refers to this as a natural neutral position. He suggests letting your hands hang naturally before transferring them onto the club handle. Matt also talks about the knuckles you should see and demonstrates how the heel of the hand acts in a chopping action, instead of a flippy release. This is the first thing you need to get right.

The second thing to focus on is practicing impact. Matt addresses the ball and moves into his left side, as you would do in a swing. He emphasizes feeling pressure move from the middle of the feet to the heel of the left foot, by pushing the left leg backward to clear the hip.

This improves hand position, making the left shoulder go back and the right hand and shoulder come down. The right side will then align behind the club shaft for proper compression. Matt also mentions feeling his right leg coming down and inward when hitting the ball, rehearsing the impact position.

Visually, when Matt is at the impact position, he can’t see his left hand as it covers his left knee. It feels like his hands are far forward, though from the camera view it might not appear that way. This is an important concept to grasp. You don't need to hold the angle through impact; it's a position you will naturally achieve.

Matt demonstrates this process down-the-line by getting your grip correct, taking your address position, then moving into your left side, getting the left hip back with your left leg. Ensure your left shoulder goes up and your right shoulder goes down. The right hand and arm should be behind the club shaft at impact. Start with chip shots to get the feel of impact. Progress from chips to full swings, moving from impact backward. Matt practices this frequently, as it’s the most crucial position. He then demonstrates with a full swing.

Practicing the impact drill will significantly improve your strike and give you much better control of the ball.

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