
A Malaska Golf Member says he loves the M-System. He set up a net in his backyard and wants to know what to practice.

Mike is holding a coffee cup which he refers to as the “Malaska Cup.” This is something he came up with as a kid. Mike often held a drink cup while shagging golf balls on the range at the 9-hole golf course where he worked.

Mike would have the cup in one hand and hit balls with his other hand toward his shag bag. The purpose of the cup was to stop Mike from moving his body all over the place, which would cause him to spill his drink. His clubface worked correctly, making small chips by running the clubface into the ball.

Once Mike got tired of hitting with his right hand, he would switch the cup and hit with his left hand. As easy as Mike makes it look, he said 90% of golfers can’t do this drill. Most people won’t be able to hit the ball solid, control the clubface, and keep their shoulders quiet. And they will be moving their body all over the place.

Mike says this drill is a basic skill you need to master! Tour Players can easily do it because they are so good with their hands and the clubface.

When you begin with the M-System, start with the basic drills, work on that, then add two hands. Do the L-to-L Drill and learn how to move your body. Mike emphasizes not being in a hurry and rushing to create speed.

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