
Hi, my name is Matt Baker, and I'm a Malaska Golf Certified Coach based here in the UK. We've got a great question today from John Creighton, who asks which hand controls the club the most during the swing.

The answer to that is, if you went to any PGA or tour event worldwide and surveyed the professionals, it would likely come up 50/50. Some players favor their left hand, while others prefer their right hand. Interestingly, this can change from event to event or even day to day. Some days, players feel more control with their left hand, and on other days, they may feel their right hand is doing more.

The real answer is that it varies for each person. You need to experiment and find what works best for you. Personally, I tend to use my right hand more, but that's my preference as a right-handed person. It doesn't always go that way for everyone.

To explore this yourself, I suggest practicing with both hands. I often hit single-handed shots with my left hand, focusing on controlling short chip shots down the range. Then, I do the same with my right hand to see which one feels more in control. This practice helps me understand which hand plays a bigger role for me.

I encourage you to try this out and see which hand gives you the best control. I hope that helps answer your question, and I appreciate you watching. I look forward to catching up with you all real soon!

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