
A Malaska Golf member wants to know how to use the natural forces around him when he swings. When you make a golf swing, you are directing the momentum of the club, and the club just goes. It is very similar to a baseball swing.

Mike grabs a baseball bat and demonstrates. When you swing, you are getting the bat in the same arc as the ball. You let the bat go once you hit the ball. At the same time, your body pushes back away and throws the bat forward. It's the same flowing motion in the swing if you apply it to your golf swing as long as your grip is correct.

When you swing, as your body turns, the club will push out in front of you. With the correct grip, the club's momentum will square the clubface at impact. If your grip is off, something else must come into play to square the clubface.

If the grip is correct, then when you swing, it is like you are pushing the club down into impact, and then you are letting the momentum of the cub run into the ball. It will go where you want it to. When your arm straightens out and your hands pressure the shaft, it does feel free flowing, like a baseball swing. It is the same as a forehand in tennis and throwing a ball.

It must be a flow of motion and not positions. The game gets in trouble when too many positions are going on, and you don't know the motion that connects them.

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