
Malaska Golf Certified Coach Billy Fitzgerald is subbing in to answer “Ask Mike’s” from Beverley County Club in Chicago.

A Malaska Golf Member wants to know if the up-to-under works for all your clubs. Yes, it does. What is up-to-under? The member has been having some success with pitching and shorter irons. He is, however, still having a bit of trouble with his driver and is asking if it works with all his clubs in his bag.

Billy explains that the up-to-under refers to how the club works a little outside his hand. The club will work up before it breaks away from the ball, and then it will work under and back into it.

The term for it is shallowing. This is the term used in the industry, and it's kind of a hot topic. It just refers to how the club stays behind your hands long enough before it comes into the ball, and the face goes back out towards the golf ball.

This is great for people who go over the top. The over-the-top golf swing is the exact opposite of up-to-under. They typically go under to over so the club face can't keep going back, and to return to the ball, they've got to go over the top.

This is a great drill if you go over the top, where you work the clubface in a manner that you start to feel it's a little bit shallower and can hit it from the inside.

Again, yes, this works with all your clubs. It is important to work the clubface just outside your hands and make sure it gets in line and works back. Then, it works under behind your hands, long enough so it's shallow enough to come from the inside before it works back out to the golf ball.

Billy says that you start to feel what some call the Loop Drill. You begin to feel a little loopy-ness, especially if you're used to going inside over the top. Try this drill with all your clubs. That's the golf club motion you want to make to shallow it out and come from the inside.

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