
Malaska Golf Certified Coach Matt Baker reviews the M-System M1: Pitching-Pivot Drill. This drill was a game-changer, his aha moment. Matt practices it every time he is out on the course.

Matt takes an iron with one hand and swings freely with his right arm. As he swings, he blends in as the club comes down, pushing his left hip backward with his left leg, timing the clubhead down and through. He always does this exercise before he plays.

This drill teaches Matt to use his right hand and levers correctly. It also helps him time the pivot action of his left hip. Matt likes the straight-line forces that happen when the hip moves back. It helps to get his timing correct as he swings through the club.

Matt uses a pitching wedge to demonstrate making these shots. He chokes down on the handle and likes what this drill does for him. Matt swings back and through the ball. He can coordinate where the bottom of the swing is and where he releases the club. This also helps him to open up the swing.

Matt knows he will hit the ball straight when his right hand is working correctly. When he feels confident with that, he plays with the trajectory by changing the angle in his hand.