On this Quick Fix Friday, Mike discusses how to get control of your golf club.
The closer you get to the club's balance point, the easier it is to control the club. You may have more speed as well. To achieve this, Mike chokes down on the club.
Mike has set up three balls on tees and practices the "L to L" swing with his club: an "L" on the backswing and a reverse "L" on the follow-through. The object is to control each one.
Mike makes the first swing and hits the ball. He also rolls his left foot and right foot in on the swing. He ensures he holds the "L" on the follow-through until the ball hits the ground.
Mike makes two additional hits doing the "L to L" swing. he is trying to get control of the club relative to his body through the swing. He also focuses on keeping control of the ground as his body pushes away.
It's all about the Lever System.
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