Mike Malaska brings out the ROTEXMotion Floor Models for Austin Graham to use.
Mike puts both feet on the Floor Models and demonstrates what he wants Austin to do. As Mike turns his arms and body back, his right leg straightens, his left leg bends, then he twists his feet back to square. The purpose of this is to feel what your hips are doing. Mike shows Austin the movement he wants him to make and where he thinks Austin is off.
Mike gets Austin to imitate this twisting motion without a club first, then asks Austin what he thinks his right hip and femur are doing. Austin says that his right hip is staying out of the way and turning down. Mike says that, in fact, the right hip is moving back, away from him.
Mike takes Austin’s sand wedge and demonstrates how to bring his club back, twist his feet, and swing. Austin does what Mike taught him. Mike observes that Austin’s right hip is now doing what it should. Austin is transitioning correctly.
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Austin has an aha moment when he realizes there is only a slight lateral movement of the hips and not a large movement of the hips and legs.
Mike discusses things that have happened over the last 10-20 years. At the tour level, left-hand grips have gotten significantly stronger, with less rotation of the clubface and less lateral movement. You need that lateral motion to tilt your shoulder and start your arms down. Mike demonstrates this slight motion by swinging his arms.
Austin mistook his lateral movement as sliding his legs and body into the ball. Mike goes behind Austin, working with his hips to feel the slight transition. The ROTEXMotion floor discs are a great way to feel that movement.
Mike says there must be some lateral movement, but it is minimal. It takes place before you reach the transition point of the club. Austin feels that difference when he swings his wedge on the discs. This movement is what Austin has been looking for in his golf swing.