The last part of this video series with Billy Fitzgerald focuses on getting the club to move around Billy’s hands.
Mike Malaska says everyone talks about shallowing the club, but Mike wants the club, which is outside of your hands, to move and draw behind them. Mike makes a looping action with his hands. He mentions that it is hard for Billy to do this with his right leg pushing out on the downswing.
Because Billy hasn’t created space in his backswing, he throws his club out on the downswing. Billy can reroute his club as soon as there is space, and the club will come shallower into the ball.
Mike wants Billy to work on having his hands in front of the club until the club changes direction. This is where the hands become even with the club. On the downswing, the hands are behind the club, and they work back in front of the club down to impact.
Mike gets Billy to make a swing with Billy in a staggered stance with his right foot back. This will get Billy’s right hip out of the way and focus on making an up-to-under swing.
Having Billy’s right foot back gives him more space to swing and come down into the ball. Mike illustrates this by holding Billy and working through the looping motion. Before, because Billy’s right hip pushed out, he didn’t have the space in his downswing to make the looping action.
Mike shows Billy how the club starts out in front of his hands, to even, to a little behind, back to even, and then his hands in front of his club.
Billy makes an easy shot, and Mike says it will take care of his pull. Mike shows Billy feedback on the JC swing analysis video.
Mike goes over what Billy has learned so far. Firstly was to get Billy’s hips out of the way and his shoulders turned a little steeper. Secondly is how to use your right leg and foot when you change direction. Then it’s to get your club to work correctly with your hands. Mike says you will never stop pulling the ball if your hip moves up. You will have no choice but to be steep with your swing.
Billy repeats all the steps that Mike has taught him in the lesson. Mike reinforces the idea that the club works around the hands is what happens with all bat and racket sports. A tennis racket, ping pong paddle, and baseball bat do this. You want this shallowing action.
Mike and Billy discuss the progress Billy has made in the lesson. Mike also talks about the importance of foot action and that your feet shouldn’t be stable and should be moving. Mike says you should let your feet move as your body moves with the swing.
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