Mike Malaska works with Frank Cox on his golf swing. Frank played college golf, and his lowest handicap was 2.4. He played 55 rounds of golf last year. Mike will work with Frank on his driver. Frank has a unique swing, and Mike likes players with unique swings. Mike names a few players like Jim Furyk, Fred Couples, and newer players on tour, Bryson DeChambeau, and Matthew Wolff, who also have unique swings. They may not have what is considered the perfect swing, but if they have the two or three things that make a player consistent, that's what matters. Mike quotes an old saying, "What is the perfect swing? Something that duplicates itself under pressure." Mike only judges swings and players based on where their misses are. The better your misses are, the better player you are. If you have a double miss, right and left, you can't play. The better the player, the misses go in one direction and get tighter. How good you are is more about when you are off than when you are on. Frank sets up and crushes a few shots with his driver. He tends to fade with a giant pull. After looking at Frank's swing, Mike comments that speed is not an issue and that Frank has basically eliminated the left. This is ok; however, it's hard to be consistent with that swing. Mike says that the only thing that matters in golf is impact position. There are a lot of ways to get there. Frank has a weak grip, and he sets the clubface very open. Because of the grip and setup, it forces Frank to twist and turn hard on the swing to get the clubface square at impact, and Frank will rarely pull hook. Frank hits the ball right to right if he doesn't twist enough. Studies have shown that you can't square the clubface with the rotation of your body. It can be helpful, but with the amount of clubface rotation from waist height to the ball, you can't create enough of it to work at impact. This means there will be some rotation of the arms. Frank will not have to worry about hitting pull hooks with his driver but will flare some shots to the right. He will be steep with his irons and hard to control. The game is played from 100 yards and in, and whoever is the best from 100 yards wins.
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