The first step Mike will help Javier with is getting him to stand the club more up on the backswing and the follow-through.
Mike shows Javier a drill to practice. To begin, bring the club straight up and lever it in front of you. Next, take the club from this position and stand the club up right up over your hands, and start your downswing into the ball.
Mike points out that Javier’s grip and posture are great, but Javier has a flawed concept of how the club goes around him. Mike then gets Javier to set up to the ball and walks him through the Levering Drill. Which is to lever the club, stand the club up and then swing down to hit the ball.
The point of this drill is for Javier to feel the handle of the golf club move down, and the club move up. Javier tends to swing flatter on the backswing.
Javier makes several practice swings levering the club to understand the concept. At first, Javier cheats the drill and falls back into his habit of swinging on a flatter plane and not getting the club to stand up. Then Javier gets more confident and executes the drill with precision.
Mike then replays Javier’s swing on the video swing analysis. Mike shows him an example of a PGA Tour Player and another swing to illustrate the difference in swings. Mike tells Javier to live with this drill because Javier needs to get the correct momentum of the circle or arc of his swing. Currently, that circle is so far out he is constantly fighting himself.
Javier continues to perform the drill successfully, and Mike tells Javier that this drill also works well with the driver.
This drill is a big change for Javier’s swing and puts him on the right course.