Mike Malaska works with Dr. Joe LaCaze, Owner and Managing Partner of Rotex Motion. Joe plays golf mainly in the summertime and shoots anywhere from 75 to 77. Mike observes Joe make a few practice swings. He notices that Joe's body mechanics are really good, although the way his hands and Lever System work is minimal. Mike's goal with Joe is to get him to understand the Lever System and put that together with what his body is doing. Mike adds that if the Lever System works correctly with much less tension and effort, Joe could get more speed. When Mike observes golf swings, he looks for how the body moves and what the Lever System is doing. Most of the time, Mike corrects the Lever System first and then the body. Because Joe's body motion is good, Mike mainly focuses on the Lever System with him. Joe makes a couple of swings, and Mike notices Joe's grip is off. When Joe tries to lever the club, he levers at the elbows instead of the wrists. If he levers at the wrists, this will keep his arms straight on the backswing. Joe tends to cast the club on the downswing. Mike works with Joe's grip to ensure that the club feels like it's more in Joe's fingers. Mike then works on Joe's takeaway and understanding that the Lever System is immediate. The lever needs to happen before the club is parallel to the ground. Mike also wants Joe to feel like he is pushing the handle away from him. Mike gets Joe to swing and point the handle away on the backswing and the follow-through. This motion is the Handle Away Drill. Mike reminds Joe to keep the wrists loose and go easy on the swing. Mike wants Joe to make practice swings with a plastic ball with his right foot back. This helps Joe to feel the Lever System and practice the Handle Away Drill. Mike really wants Joe to get a feel for how the hands work.
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