Mike Malaska shows beginner golfer Sandy James how to hit a ball off a tee instead of the ground. Mike instructs her to aim the ball to the left side of the green. They start with a line on the ball, which helps Sandy aim. Mike explains that her game is off the tee, not the ground. She needs to control the angle of the face, the path of the club, and the angle of approach. You have to manage all three when the ball is on the ground. When the ball is sitting on a tee, the face and path have to be good, but the angle of approach can be slightly off. The ball will still hit in the face, and you can still hit a pretty good shot. There is more room for error. As a beginner, there is no reason to make that angle of approach perfect. When the ball is sitting on the ground, you must be great at the angle of approach. Mike tells Sandy to take the ground out of play. Put the ball on a tee or a tall piece of grass. Don't be in a rush to play off the ground. Use the exact grip and hand action and make the same practice swing using the same lever system off a tee. It's all about having fun at this point. Don't worry about keeping score. Wait until you get to the green. As you improve, start from farther back. But have fun first!
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