
Brian Gott, a Malaska Certified Coach, answers Ask Mikes this week. A Malaska Golf Member has a question about determining a device to tell if your putter's face is open or closed at impact.

Brian has a clubface aimer attached to the putter, which can show you the clubface angle. It is important to get the clubface back to square at impact. If you are one degree closed or one degree open, at 8 feet, you will miss the hole.

Instead of using a device, Brian has a couple of other options. Brian has set a little gate with two tees. The tees are set up about 10 inches in front of the ball. The key is to roll the ball through the gate. If your face angle is open, you will hit the tee.

Another drill you can do is place another ball in front of you. The object is to hit the ball square, and if you hit the ball, then you know you are online.

If you try these drills, you will find that your clubface is much more square. There are many devices out there, like putting boards, that you can use. But Brian likes the idea of these drills to help roll the ball end over end and ensure the putter is square.

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