"Golf is an interesting sport because when you talk to the golfers, they have all these positions they are trying to hit. The most important (or even the only) position that matters is the position of the club at impact. Why should we use impact as our primary position? In my opinion, we've been teaching the game of golf incorrectly. We have taught from address (setup) to transition (top) to impact. I believe we should have been teaching from impact to transition (top), and back down to address (setup). When we use impact as our starting point and work from impact back, we can start to identify what impact feels like. When I ask golfers to show me where they think they are at impact, the vast majority of them twist their bodies. This is because they have this perception that impact requires a twisting motion of the body. What is impact position? If you don't understand what impact is, you probably won't have much success in this game. When I set up to the ball and go to my impact position, my lead leg (left) moves the lead hip (left) out of the way. The lead shoulder (left) raises a bit and my trailing shoulder (right) drops. This causes my trailing arm (right) to drop and align directly behind the shaft and now my lead arm (left) is above my trailing arm (right). What does impact feel like? This drill helps you identify the proper position at impact. Once you can look in a mirror and identify what impact should look like, then you can make some small swings and train yourself on what impact should feel like. As you perform this drill, your swing will get better and it may even change dramatically just because you have a better understanding of impact. By using the Full Swing Impact Drill you will come away with a proper understanding of what impact should look like and also what impact actually feels like."